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Strata Shield 950 SA ALU Vapour Barrier (30m)

(Code: 950-SA-ALU)
StrataShield SA ALU VB 950 is a cold-applied,
self-adhesive bituminous air and vapour barrier which is
saturated and coated with high quality SBS
(Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene) odified bitumen. It has an
integrated aluminium foil layer, a glass fibre
reinforcement and is finished on the underside with a
removable siliconised film.
Roll size: 30m x 0.95m
Thickness: 1.0mm
£ 142.50
StrataShield SA ALU VB 950 is designed for use as a high
performance air and vapour barrier, and is ideal for use
on either metal profiled or plywood decking and in areas
prone to increased temperatures and moisture levels (e.g.
factories, swimming pools, gyms. StrataShield SA ALU VB
950 should be used as part of a built-up roofing system.