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Shears / Nibblers

Powered sheet metal cutting tools

(Code: Malco-MCCB7)
£ 83.29
Sheet Metal Saw Blade
Cutting disc for standing seam roofing sheets.
(Code: WK-1010-1000)
Available at Supplier
Sheet Metal Shear 1010/1000mm
Tough, long-lasting shear for cross cutting sheet metal.
(Code: WK-1022C2A)
£ 1,437.00
WUKO Clipper 1022 C2A, 18 V/230 VCordless slitter that cuts through sheet metal without vibrations and curls.

(Code: WK-1020AG)
£ 147.00
WUKO Clipper 1020/1022 Guide
Adjustable guide for Wuko Clipper 1020 & 1022 C2A
(Code: Draco-61000-1GB)
£ 489.60
Available at Supplier
Delivery in approx 7 days
SD5-1 ShearVery maneuverable shear that can make tight turns.
(Code: Draco-61010-1GB)
£ 489.60
Available at Supplier
Delivery in approx 7 days
SD1001N-1 Shear
For the cutting of metal stud profiles.
(Code: HSGSET)
£ 453.00
Rau Hand Shear Set HSG EDP149
For slitting sheet metal.
(Code: Draco-61070-1GB)
£ 725.80
Available at Supplier
Delivery in approx 7 days
3514-2 Shear
Ideal for cutting spiral ducts, standing seams and cross welts.
(Code: Draco-61080-1GB)
£ 743.80
Available at Supplier
Delivery in approx 7 days
3514-7R Radius Shear
Cuts straight and tight radii in sheets, as well as over seams.
(Code: Draco-61207-1GB)
£ 544.00
Available at Supplier
Delivery in approx 7 days
1216-1 Nibbler
Flexible nibbler for thin, trapezoidal & corrugated sheet metals.
(Code: Draco-30103)
£ 776.70
Delivery in approx 7 days
AK3010 Cordless Shear
Agile shear, handy for tight radii.
(Code: Draco-31602)
£ 831.00
Delivery in approx 7 days
AK3160 Cordless Nibbler
Ideal for corrugated and trapezoidal sheets. Short version.

(Code: Draco-31613)
£ 934.00
Delivery in approx 7 days
AK3161 Cordless Nibbler
Ideal for corrugated and trapezoidal sheets. Long version.
(Code: Draco-351423)
£ 890.50
AK3514-2 Cordless Shear
Ideal for cutting spiral ducts, standing seams and cross welts.
(Code: Draco-351473)
£ 902.20
Available at Supplier
Delivery in approx 7 days
AK3514-7R Cordless Radius Shear
Cuts straight and tight radii in sheets & over seams.
(Code: Draco-630003)
£ 952.20
Available at Supplier
Delivery in approx 7 days
AK3010 Li-Ion Cordless Shear
Very maneuverable shear that can make tight turns.
(Code: Draco-632103)
£ 994.00
Delivery in approx 7 days
AK3160 Li-Ion Cordless NibblerIdeal for corrugated and trapezoidal sheets. Short version.
(Code: Draco-632203)
£ 1,089.00
Delivery in approx 7 days
AK3161 Li-Ion Cordless NibblerIdeal for corrugated and trapezoidal sheets. Long version.
(Code: Draco-630703)
£ 1,034.10
Delivery in approx 7 days
AK3514-2 Li-Ion Cordless Shear
Ideal for cutting spiral ducts, standing seams and cross welts.
(Code: Draco-630803)
£ 1,045.80
Available at Supplier
Delivery in approx 7 days
AK3514-7R Li-Ion Cordless Radius ShearCuts straight and tight radii in sheets & over seams.